ENGLISH 790 Survey of composition Studies | Fall 2015
Conference CFP |
Final Conference Paper:
Friday Dec 11, 1159pm Email it: [email protected] Final Inksheds/Reading Log: Bring a hardcopy to seminar Monday, Nov 30. Or email it or slip it under my door during week 15. Hardcopies will be returned to you after evaluation. |
Research Network Forum @ CCCC Houston
Present a work-in-progress and get feedback Proposals due OCT 31, 2015 Computer Connection @ CCCC Houston Present on an issue related to tech/new media/etc. Proposals due NOV 13, 2015 Carolinas WPA An article in the most recent volume of CCC might be relevant to many of your interests (either in my class, or in Byron's): Preston, Jacqueline. Composition as “Assemblage.” CCC, Sep. 2015. I don't think this is yet database accessible, but I have a hard copy of this issue if anyone wants to borrow it. You can also read this summary at College Composition Weekly (this is a site that might be worth following--read her "About" page to see how she's working to ease to the challenge of reading as a scholar) |
Discussion Questions Schedule
Post your discussion questions by Sunday night on our website's "Discussion Q's" tab. See the last page of the syllabus for instructions on how to post. 2-3 questions about patterns, connections, points of interest, conflict etc. Feel free to include some context/writing/quotations to help us engage your questions. You'll be asked to share at least one of your questions in seminar. No collaboration at all is expected with those also writing questions for a given week.
If you have problems with your dates, please try to arrange switches, and/or contact me (well in advance).
Post your discussion questions by Sunday night on our website's "Discussion Q's" tab. See the last page of the syllabus for instructions on how to post. 2-3 questions about patterns, connections, points of interest, conflict etc. Feel free to include some context/writing/quotations to help us engage your questions. You'll be asked to share at least one of your questions in seminar. No collaboration at all is expected with those also writing questions for a given week.
If you have problems with your dates, please try to arrange switches, and/or contact me (well in advance).
AUG 31 Forming
Kelly, Candace SEPT 14 Research Lily, Amber SEPT 21 Cognition/Context Michelle, Kelly, Melody SEPT 28 Taking Stock Michelle, Leah, Mary Elizabeth |
OCT 5 Social Process CANCELED
Candace--posted, thanks! OCT 12 Expansion Deva, Adam, AMBER OCT 19 Material Multimodal Adam, MAHA OCT 26 Postprocess Thomas, Lisa, Melody |
NOV 9 After Process
Deva, Leah NOV 16 After Process Thomas NOV 23 Looking Back Lily, Lisa, Maha |
JOIN US for the Composition Pedagogy Reading Group: The purpose of the group is to enhance students’ background in composition pedagogy as an area within the discipline. New MA and PhD students are encouraged to come but also any grad students who want to develop their teaching and strengthen their ability to speak about writing pedagogy on the job market. We'll focus on the second edition of The Guide to Composition Pedagogies, reading 2-3 chapters from the book, plus supplementary readings. We meet in the Center for Teaching Excellence for an hour to an hour and a half between 3-5 beginning Friday September 11.
If you're interested in joining in, email Hannah.
If you're interested in joining in, email Hannah.